Getting out of coal

Client: AGL Australia
Agency: McCann Australia

A large contributing factor for Australia’s continuing reliance on coal generated energy is the lack of a consistent national energy policy. Australian’s however wanted a clean solution, whether it came from government or not.

Despite this lack of policy and leadership, AGL had a plan in place to move away from coal generation by 2048, and were already Australia’s largest non-governmental investor in renewable energy generation. They needed to reframe the narrative, and let Australia know that as Australia’s leading energy company, AGL were in a position to lead Australia towards a sustainable energy future.

Sustainable energy is in erveryone’s interest

An integrated campaign was developed to communicate AGL’s policy on energy. To cut through a narrative filled with heavily caveated and vague statements, we developed a campaign that was grounded in a level of honesty and realism

The campaign launched across all major channels, but the focus was across digital and social, where we could spark conversation amongst Australians to generate awareness and debate.

The campaign started with a statement that no energy company has ever previously made in their marketing communications – that AGL were committed to getting out of coal generation.

This was followed up by educating Australians about what AGL is doing to move Australia away from its reliance on coal, while at the same time not compromising on the level of service and price that consumers expect.